Friday, January 25, 2013

My favorite kitchen appliance

I’ve lived with EV for 18 months now, and when she moved in, she brought a lot of kitchen stuff that we already had. She had also basically fully furnished a kitchen in her last apartment, so between the 2 of us we now have what one might call an excess of dishes and kitchen appliances.


She came with one thing that has easily been her greatest contribution to the condo to-date (aside from her fantastic roommate skills and friendship!)  A Cuisinart Griddler.

Seriously, if you don’t have one of these, run thee to Costco immediately and purchase. Or wait until you get another 20% off Bed, Bath & Beyond coupon and then purchase. Either way, purchasing is the key outcome.

I cook 3-4 nights a week, and we probably use this at least 2/3 of the time. Steaks, sandwiches, fish, chicken, quesadillas, bacon, sausage, hamburgers, hot dogs, basically you name it and I’ve probably prepared some portion of a meal on the Griddler. It sits on our countertop, that’s how much we use it.
My favorite part is that the plates are reversible, so you have flat plates or grill plates. Plus, they go in the dishwasher. This is really less of a plus for EV since unloading the dishwasher ends up being her chore more times than not but still, it’s convenient.

When my parents were visiting, my mom fell in love with it, so guess what she got for Christmas last year? Yup – now she has one in Florida AND at the lake because she loved it so much. I was talking about it at work the other day, too (standard professional conversation, you know) and 3 (THREE!) other people heard me raving about it and chimed in that they too love their Griddler.

Seriously, this thing has a reputation that can’t be beat. Totally worth the $100 – you’ll love it. It’s also now my standard wedding gift. Registry shmegistry, in typical Katie fashion, I clearly know better than you what you want, friends.

Happy faux-grilling!

PS – this might seem like a paid advertisement, and believe you me I wish it was, but it ain’t. Just a really rockin’ kitchen appliance.

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