Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Big plans for October

Remember when I did the Lenten Adventure? I've been missing it a little bit. I've been missing structure, some sense of boundaries, rules, something to keep me in line. I thrive on routine, on the comfort of knowing what is coming next. And sometimes I let that all fall by the wayside just for funsies, and I have to rein myself back in. So, I'm re-adopting a few (just a few...) of the things I added or gave up earlier this year as part-challenge, part-being true to myself. It just needs to be.
1. Cheese - it's got to go.
2. Daily exercise - it's got to happen, broken foot be damned.
3. Church on Sundays - no brainer.
4. Snoozing the alarm clock - case and point, I should be at work right now and instead I'm working on my couch...
5. Making my bed daily - such an easy, satisfying chore.

We each have different coping mechanisms to deal with life, and creating rules for myself to live by is one of mine. Whatever works, I say, and I know this works for me. I haven't decided if I'm just going to do this for October or for the rest of 2013, but I'll report back.
What's the last thing you did in your own best interest? I also took myself home on Friday night rather than going out to another party and I call that a success by every count imaginable.

Friday, September 20, 2013

BB Cream... pass

I know I can be dramatic sometimes (who me?!), but I was so excited about BB Cream. I love me some color. And then it proceeded to ruin my skin more than any PMS or pre-teen years could. Seriously! I had more pimples than a 13 year old boy, and they were the nasty kind that actually, physically hurt. It took me a few days to figure out exactly what was going on, but I identified the culprit and have since moved on. I guess lesson learned - if you have sensitive skin, BB cream is not for you. I can do a lot of terrible things to my skin (not wash it, mainly) and have it be fine, but I guess BB cream is where it draws the line. So now I know.
Sorry, BB Cream, I tried, and now I have 6 store-brand and 1 designer brand tube of pore-blocking gunk to contend with. Anybody looking for a freebie?
PS - Sorry I trashed your pretty image, Whit.
PPS - I had the exact same thing happen when I took Biotin, but worse
PPPS - I did find an amazing sunless tanner that I have big plans to post about, thanks to my new favorite blog

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Bloggy Makeover Time!

Ya'll may have noticed some changes 'round here if you click over frequently. I enlisted the help of my sweet friend Nicole to give the blog a makeover. We went back and forth on iterations and exactly what I was looking for and I pretty much love it. We're still working on some small tweaks like photo size and colors in different places, so bear with us. Maybe I'll have her do a guest post about some of the magic behind the scenes... would anyone be interested? I know I would, but not sure anyone else cares.
I think my favorite feature is the "Life, One list at a time" but honestly, I love the whole header.
In related news, I've been working some Pinterest magic on recipes, attempting to get my DIY on, and generally wreaking havoc on my own life. I bought season tickets for the Broadway Atlanta series, so I guess I'd consider that a win. I'm trying to do more activities that are cultural and fun and don't involve a hangover. I know, so grown up and responsible. Let's see how long it lasts... 

School is moving along, my foot is still broken, and I'm still single so really nothing all that new around here. I guess this is why I resort to a blog makeover as good blog fodder. Sorry if you were expecting more.

Upcoming travels: Houston, Dallas, Miami, Philadelpha, and maybe San Fransisco, although that one might have to wait until 2014. Also planning #kanda2014, we're thinking 10-12 days in Greece & Macedonia in between my spring and summer semesters. Ambitious, yes, but since when has that stopped me? One of my friends also went to yacht week in Greece late this summer, so maybe I'll just steal his idea instead of coming up with my own.
Anyway, that's life in a nutshell. I found my holiday party attire so one of these days I'll get around to posting that. You're all going to love it and be totally shocked that it's a Jessica Simpson number. I just love her clothes and shoes and her (even though when I think of her I think of Jessica & Nick & chicken of the sea... or is it tuna?)
I digress. Bye!

Monday, September 9, 2013

It only took 27.5 years...

I haven't posted about this yet because I guess I have kind of been in denial. But, it's starting to really impact me and what I can/can't do so....
I broke my foot while I was traveling for work in Texas a month ago, and I've been on crutches and then in a walking boot ever since.

To answer the most common questions, no I wasn't really drunk, I broke it stepping onto and tripping over a curb, and yes it hurts.
The 2 biggest disappointments have come in the form of exercise: no triathalon at the end of this month and no tennis this fall. I knew the tri would be out as soon as I broke it, but I was really optimistic about the tennis season. Unfortunately after seeing the doctor for a follow-up last week, I got the bad news that I would be in the boot for another 3-4 weeks, therefore ruining most of the tennis season. And who is to say I'll actually be healed by then, anyway? I guess it's better to just sit this one out, but it totally sucks.
The doc did tell me I could start doing some swim workouts and "light elliptical" (whatever that means), so looks like I can at least start getting a little exercise. I mean, let's be honest, I love a good reason not to workout, but my pants don't love it so much. So, clearly I started researching a good workout plan and voila! Ya'll know I'm obsessed with these little 1-page simple workouts so I couldn't resist.

My favorite elliptical workouts via Pinterest 1 2 3
I'm also going to add in some arm workouts, probably more in the form of these pagelets that I can save to my iPhone and access while I'm already in the gym. Seriously, I'm a huge fan. Whoever invented them gets major props from me.
So there you have it. It took 27.5 years, but I finally have my first broken bone and it is no fun. I will say, I am eternally grateful I'm not in a cast and that I didn't have to use the crutches for very long. Although I probably could have avoided the arm workouts if I'd kept up with crutches... so not worth it. 

Friday, September 6, 2013

The end of the monogram saga

I've been obsessing over monograms for a while. I took to the Twitters to complain, too. Sorry about that...

A few weeks ago I found a Groupon for one, and it finally came in the mail. I love it! I ordered the rose gold 18" extra-small monogram from monogramonline.com and it's wonderful! A little larger than I was dreaming and hoping for, but after 3 days it's grown on me.

I even bought one to give as a gift! Guess you'll have to wait until the holidays to find out who it's for.

Have you purchased anything lately that you are just obsessed over?

Monday, September 2, 2013

Graduate School: The First 30 Days

Well, I'm officially a month in and I haven't quit yet and I haven't gotten kicked out yet. I'm going to go ahead and call that a win. But I won't lie and say it's been a piece of cake, that going to school 6 hours+ a week on top of working 50-60 hours a week on top of traveling twice for work is NBD. But I did it!

The first couple weeks were orientation - learning the ropes, what is and is not available to us, meeting faculty, and trying to get to know nearly 100 of my newest, closest friends. Then we moved into refresher courses. Back to basics: Excel, statistics, probability, all that jazz. It was helpful, but since I only took the GMAT about 6 months ago, I felt recently refreshed on the topics and so didn't feel a strong desire to brush up on my skills. It was a great option (mandatory or not) to have for folks though, and I'm glad I participated even if I didn't have to.
We also did a Birkman Assessment, which told us about our personalities at work (and presumably school). One of the professors walked us through our individual results and shared how to apply that to group work and team environments, both through the MBA program and in our professional careers. I have done Myers-Briggs Step 2 a couple of times at work and found similarities in both. Ultimately I think the Myers-Briggs assessment was more indicative of my personality traits than the Birkman was, but there were certainly some indications on the Birkman that I won't be ignoring! I think (and I don't know this for sure) the program office also used our Birkman 'scores' to divide the entire class into teams for the semester.
Which leads me to the one of the other interesting components of  my first year in school - teamwork. Like I said, our whole class was divided into teams of 5-6, and we were given a problem to solve (with some help at first, but later on we're pretty much flying by the seat of our suit pants). Based on initial interactions, I think I pretty much won the team lottery, but let's see what I'm saying in a few months. We are focused on a project for a client on campus for the first semester, and had the client present to us in the middle of the month. In the spring and summer, the client and team will change, as will the level of direction and instruction from the professors. These projects will be a challenge for me because it is so parallel to what I "do" on a daily basis. I use the word "do" lightly because really, it's what I tell other people to do, not what I execute myself. I think I have a false sense of my own capabilities and knowledge, which I'm going to be forced to temper when it comes down to the nitty gritty getting my hands dirty. Let's put it this way, I know what Excel can do and I know people who know how to make Excel do those things, so in my head it means I know how to manipulate Excel. Professionally, that's plenty. Academically, that's BS!
So now what?
Actual class started on Wednesday. I'm still figuring out the internal sites, remembering to print all the papers in advance of class, and determining what the best way for me to stay organized is. Do I really have to carry all this crap around with me? Mind-boggling, honestly. But the answer is yes, I do. And therefore I need notebooks, pens, pencils. My computer, a mouse, a thumb drive.
I've got to figure out how to take notes, type on my computer, and not get caught up in doing work. I've already decided that my cell phone needs to stay tucked away safely in my bag, or even left in my car. Otherwise it's too distracting, too easy to get sucked back into work issues while I'm supposed to be soaking in new information.
But I am excited. I have met some great people who are from all over the world, working in every industry imaginable, living in different parts of this city that I love, and each bringing an amazing set of skills to the classroom and to our larger Evening MBA team. I can't wait to see what the next 3 years have in store, as I think they will be some of the best yet. Stay tuned!
Previous Graduate School posts: GMAT, networking, essays, why?
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